Yes it's totally ridiculous! As cyclists we're all trying to out-bright each other (and the cars), when all we really need in city streets is to be seen.
And even in pitch black in the countryside my Sturmey Archer Dynohub lights the road ahead enough for me to see where I'm going. All 1.8 watts of it. Sadly the way things are now that's probably not bright enough for a car coming the other way to notice me, because it won't be expecting something so dimly - but adequately for its purpose of lighting the road ahead - lit.
This is a good point. No matter how good reflectors or bike lights are they have to compete against a background of other strong light sources. Thirty or more years ago it was common (or so I'm told, I'm not quite that old yet) to see people driving using only sidelights on well lit urban roads or even motorways. And then there were dim-dip lights for a while. Streetlamps were dimmer too. Nowadays your low light vision is pretty much permanently shot.