I tend to invest in good quality jeans, last thing I'd want to do is spend a load of money on them and end up wearing them out in a few months, which is kind of the stage I'm at now. At the risk of sounding like an arse I don't really want to have to compromise 'looking good' just because I want to cycle somewhere, I'm happy to invest in cycling gear too but some brands are unjustifiable
So to re-phrase, I'm looking for some stylish, good quality commuting gear that isn't going to make my wallet cry!
Basically I want some 'normal' clothes I can cycle to work/shop/pub in and not have to worry about stretching the knees/wearing out the crotch of my nice jeans and not have to wear 3-4 layers up top and get too hot/be really uncomfortable. I popped out earler in some nice jeans and 4 layers on top and felt really uncomfortable. I, like you don't have far to commute so I'm not interested in bibs etc.
The 'commuter' gear I've been looking at is reinforced/slightly weather proof so it'd already be an improvement on what I have now, not just some 3M tape ;)