Check out Baracuta stuff. They have different versions of the original and last for years.
http://www.baracuta.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-WPBAWO-UK-Site/default/Home-Show -
ASOS do mens harringtons with a plain liner, so you get the silhouette without the garish tartan. They also do them with a fold-down collar for an unusual take on the style.
If you want max style points check out John Simmons in Marylebone who do their own version. Grab a cotton shirt in there while you're at it: http://www.johnsimons.co.uk/john-simons-apparel-company-harrington-navy/
Where online sells nice men's jackets? I'm after jacket that's a bit like the Harrington a skinhead would wear, but a more modern take on it.
Bit like that, but with the hipster toned down by about 70%