It was a great ride that reminded me of the wonder of cycling. I didn't get round to downloading the gpx route on my GPS device in time so had no idea where we were going (just the end point). This made it even more fun as we tunnelled our way through some darkened Dickensian alleys and then suddenly appeared at Christmas lit recognisable landmarks, like magic! Nice meeting new and familiar faces plus cheers folks for sharing the sweets, biscuits, chocolates, rare groove soundtrack and coffee en route. Thanks for stepping up to the plate @pops that may have been my last group ride for this year.
It was a great ride that reminded me of the wonder of cycling. I didn't get round to downloading the gpx route on my GPS device in time so had no idea where we were going (just the end point). This made it even more fun as we tunnelled our way through some darkened Dickensian alleys and then suddenly appeared at Christmas lit recognisable landmarks, like magic! Nice meeting new and familiar faces plus cheers folks for sharing the sweets, biscuits, chocolates, rare groove soundtrack and coffee en route. Thanks for stepping up to the plate @pops that may have been my last group ride for this year.