Do you stress it with any other impact activities? Running, 5 aside etc?
Your age is on your side. I have just had physio for an old injury 2 right knee. Im prob twice your age. Basically my cartalidge is worn (sandwich between bones) which flares up the whole knee joint and seizes after an hour of football. I have had 8 weeks out strengthening it and much improved. Could well be ITB related tho. (Band at side of knee)
Answer is the same. Rest and strengthen. So 20 lunges / squats / hamstring / quad / calf stretches every morn / eve on each leg.
Boring as hell but will support knee in time and should heal issue. B-)
Do you stress it with any other impact activities? Running, 5 aside etc?
Your age is on your side. I have just had physio for an old injury 2 right knee. Im prob twice your age. Basically my cartalidge is worn (sandwich between bones) which flares up the whole knee joint and seizes after an hour of football. I have had 8 weeks out strengthening it and much improved. Could well be ITB related tho. (Band at side of knee)
Answer is the same. Rest and strengthen. So 20 lunges / squats / hamstring / quad / calf stretches every morn / eve on each leg.
Boring as hell but will support knee in time and should heal issue. B-)