You're right: the chip on my shoulder is confusing me.
I was out with a SDCC member and she hid in my "shadow" from an oncoming rider (Molteni jersey), explaining that she'd get a bollocking for not wearing a lid (despite having international gold on her palmarès) as he was a big cheese in the club: the sponsor, I thought.
TBF it's by far the most active club around here and it's only a handful of them I don't get on with.
I'm friends with several others who aren't so keen on the way a minority dictate things, but not being directly affected aren't motivated to do anything about it...
You're right: the chip on my shoulder is confusing me.
I was out with a SDCC member and she hid in my "shadow" from an oncoming rider (Molteni jersey), explaining that she'd get a bollocking for not wearing a lid (despite having international gold on her palmarès) as he was a big cheese in the club: the sponsor, I thought.