It's just the Editors pick.
Grand Budapest Hotel
My face hurt from grin gurning. I loved it.
Boyhood was brilliant too – but I'm a Linklater fan. The trailer made it look really sappy but it was genuinely touching.
Does The Wind was 2013 but got into UK cinemas in 2014 didn't it? Either way... it's an epic and I need to watch it again soon. Magical.
A great year I think.
The only over-rated film in their for me was Godzilla. Pacific Rim did monsters better, owning it's own ridiculousness and was just more fun... although 2013(?).
Grand Budapest Hotel #1 though?
I thought it was crap. I left the cinema feel really flat. And there's no way Gone Girl was better than Boyhood, entertaining as it was.
Does The Wind Rises count as 2013 or 2014?