Pretty grim this morning. Slept in, drizzling shit weather and about 4 close calls with cunts that think things like "looking" and "indicating" are optional. Couple of dumb arse ped moves too. Die fuckwits. This is all with me riding quite slow being a bit worried about dying if I smash my head or something because my blood won't fucking clot. Stupid London. Get fucked. Think I'm gonna work from home a bit more often these coming months.
Pretty grim this morning. Slept in, drizzling shit weather and about 4 close calls with cunts that think things like "looking" and "indicating" are optional. Couple of dumb arse ped moves too. Die fuckwits. This is all with me riding quite slow being a bit worried about dying if I smash my head or something because my blood won't fucking clot. Stupid London. Get fucked. Think I'm gonna work from home a bit more often these coming months.