reckon your campaign could be more constructive if it specifically advocates and debates the benefits of a segregated cycle lane on the A10 then,
initial thoughts:
- are there alternative quiet routes (e.g. LCN R10) that could be promoted instead of disturbing existing infrastructure?
- would building a segregated cycle lane on the A10 represent the best value for money for public expenditure on improving cycling? (vs. say promoting / improving the London Cycle Network!!)
my current view is that cash would be better spent improving the London Cycle Network on quiet routes for people who travel at slower speeds, more leisurely on bicycles, and that this is better suited to Lundun-town than segregated cycle lanes;
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- are there alternative quiet routes (e.g. LCN R10) that could be promoted instead of disturbing existing infrastructure?
Ok... here's a prime example of a dangerous road: Kingsland Road and the rest of the A10
27% of all cycling KSIs in Hackney since 2009 occurred on the A10, where Hackney Council are blocking a Superhighway
There is plenty of space for a proper bike lane too...
(Part of the A10 compared with a Dutch cycle track)