A serious campaign for better driver behaviour is always welcome - and it's needed, because we're unlikely to see protected lanes on more than 1 or 2% of London's road network in the near future. But even better-behaved drivers still make mistakes. Protection on the bits of the network with both heavy bike and heavy hgv traffic is the best way to make sure that those mistakes don't result in death or injury for others.
But even better-behaved drivers still make mistakes.
That they do, we can either wait for a very long time for an extremely well designed cycle lane that actually protect cyclists, or make a strong adverts aired throughout the UK.
The latter (hopefully) will lessen the risk.
Notice how many skid marks on the brand new "Cycle Superhighway" that revolutionised cycling, it's predominate around junctions;
That's why we should spend a lots of time with educating drivers, than figuring out how segregated we need to be.
Spain is an excellent example of this, they also have a 1.5 metres rules when it come to overtaking cyclists (least in Basque Country).
Not just that, the local government went as far as to make a tv adverts on educating drivers how to overtake cyclists (video showing CGI of a driver slowing down, perform maneuvers with lots of space, then slowly accelerate after completion the manoverve).
This result in the majority of drivers in Basque Country taking more care than I expected, with only two extremely rude awaken, by two ironically British drivers.
Imaging how much of an impact drivers in the UK will have once they have tv adverts informing them to give cyclists lots of room, and that it's legal for them to not ride on the cycle lane/path.