this is meant to romingers bike, picture sent to
by the owners "mechanic"
this decal staes EGO,
so I can't see it being OVal cx
these were 90's models, oval cx was a lot earlier, early to mid 80's,here's an 81
i think it's more likely to be ego as is ballerini's as, bothe were mapei from the era, a custom job sounds more likely
hillary stone bought one rominger in switzerland, the ballerini is in italy, so very few people would have physyically touched these models in comparison to oval cx's which were production line were and quite widly distibuted
this is meant to romingers bike, picture sent to
by the owners "mechanic"
this decal staes EGO,
so I can't see it being OVal cx
these were 90's models, oval cx was a lot earlier, early to mid 80's,here's an 81
i think it's more likely to be ego as is ballerini's as, bothe were mapei from the era, a custom job sounds more likely
hillary stone bought one rominger in switzerland, the ballerini is in italy, so very few people would have physyically touched these models in comparison to oval cx's which were production line were and quite widly distibuted