Although tbf when I was on the breadline if I'd have been able to pick up an expensive telly at half price and then sell it on a month later at near-retail price for profit, I'd have been all over that shit. When you're in the gutter, every little helps, as a wise woman on the telly somewhere once said.
fairy nuff if people are on breadline try to make a buck, but my point was that some are not, and they still perform like animals
That's true, but there is an thread of classism running through the general outrage levels about it. I mean, a bunch of people fighting over a microwave in Asda isn't what most people would see as a very classy thing to do, and so I think for that reason it has become bound up with "poverty" in Britain's ever-so-class-conscious popular imagination.
Although tbf when I was on the breadline if I'd have been able to pick up an expensive telly at half price and then sell it on a month later at near-retail price for profit, I'd have been all over that shit. When you're in the gutter, every little helps, as a wise woman on the telly somewhere once said.