OOH, It's cold out there! But it's sunny too. The air is crisp and delicious, and there's nothing quite like breathy winter mornings, cruising along on you bike and pretending you're part of a steam train.
This Sunday morning's ride will be all about the little lanes that wind their way between places. Open to everyone, we'll tailor the pace and distance to the riders that come along. Sunday morning adventure time. Then cake.
And again:
November 30th, Meeting at 9.45 for a 10am start.
OOH, It's cold out there! But it's sunny too. The air is crisp and delicious, and there's nothing quite like breathy winter mornings, cruising along on you bike and pretending you're part of a steam train.
This Sunday morning's ride will be all about the little lanes that wind their way between places. Open to everyone, we'll tailor the pace and distance to the riders that come along. Sunday morning adventure time. Then cake.
Meeting time: 9.45am
Départ: 10am