• #6577
When you got nothing you got nothing to lose.
• #6578
just your dignity
• #6579
I think nothing includes that.
• #6580
again , with the base animalistic tendancies
• #6581
exterminate the fucks! WITH AGENT ZYKLON B!
• #6582
was wrong clip tbh, there's one with two animals having a tug o' war with a telly in tescos, fucking choice
• #6584
It's gonna be even more brutal if & when food supply chains break down.
• #6585
and when fossil fuels end
• #6586
And when the stuff they make the shiny coating on scratchcards runs dry.
• #6587
And the quinoa mines are shut down.
• #6588
you should see how i perform when the bog roll runs out
• #6589
Didn't get a tv? Sue tesco for injuries and get one for free...
• #6590
I think this is just a practice run.
First there's the undermining of socialist policies and working class institutions over a period of decades whilst promoting only the values of competition, consumerism, status and acquisition. Greed and selfishness are now good and we now measure success - through wealth and material gains.
The we've ensured people get poorer with zero-hours contracts, unemployment, underemployment, workfare systems and ideological Austerity. (Don't forget to blame lazy indigenous people and immigrants for this.)
Now we just make sure the media are there to film it all so we can just relax at home, and enjoy the show (maybe act shocked and surprised) when the poor fight over bargains. (Maybe have the police on standby.)
• #6591
yup, spend years telling people they simply HAVE to have that thing, then get all critical when they try to get it...
• #6592
Now we just make sure the media are there to film it all so we can just relax at home, and enjoy the show (maybe act shocked and surprised) when the poor fight over bargains. (Maybe have the police on standby.)
i feel a little uncomfortable that this loss of humanity could be correlated directly to the 'poor', i have heard tales of people buying 5 tv's at around a grand, (half price) , and others buying speculatively in the hope of flipping for profit
• #6593
That's true, but there is an thread of classism running through the general outrage levels about it. I mean, a bunch of people fighting over a microwave in Asda isn't what most people would see as a very classy thing to do, and so I think for that reason it has become bound up with "poverty" in Britain's ever-so-class-conscious popular imagination.
Although tbf when I was on the breadline if I'd have been able to pick up an expensive telly at half price and then sell it on a month later at near-retail price for profit, I'd have been all over that shit. When you're in the gutter, every little helps, as a wise woman on the telly somewhere once said.
• #6594
I just see a few individuals being arseholes. Everyone is capable of behaving like that, and everyone has a choice. There are alot of people in the same situation that @johnnyhotdog describes, they don't all fight over televisions. The situation tesco has created, it's as if it's designed to bring out the worst in people.
• #6595
Although tbf when I was on the breadline if I'd have been able to pick up an expensive telly at half price and then sell it on a month later at near-retail price for profit, I'd have been all over that shit. When you're in the gutter, every little helps, as a wise woman on the telly somewhere once said.
fairy nuff if people are on breadline try to make a buck, but my point was that some are not, and they still perform like animals
• #6596
i have been poor, but always tried to keep my dignity
• #6598
Where's last year's black Friday southpark?
• #6600
Bwack Friday Bunduru.