Looking back through my emails I also bought a pair of forks from them which was fine, so I've had a 50% success rate and only lost the return postage cost when it did go wrong (and it wasn't like I chased them).
Can it easily be mixed up with another frame? If not I'd probably risk it for the amount you'd save.
Just buy it on a credit card so if they do totally fuck it up you can just get the money back from your credit card company.
Looking back through my emails I also bought a pair of forks from them which was fine, so I've had a 50% success rate and only lost the return postage cost when it did go wrong (and it wasn't like I chased them).
Can it easily be mixed up with another frame? If not I'd probably risk it for the amount you'd save.
Just buy it on a credit card so if they do totally fuck it up you can just get the money back from your credit card company.