Huh, interesting. Not my experience at all! Thereby illustrating the breadth and variety in architecture...
(I've been involved in hiring for jobs as well as admissions for university and for both generally good marks in any subject, decent degree class etc is a good thing, but portfolio is key).Expectation of Good Maths is more true in Europe, however, and the advice re. languages is good.
My dad's an architect. He's mentioned in the past that the only secondary school qualifications he looks for when hiring are top grades in maths and further maths.
I'm not an architect, I studied engineering/geology at uni, but my advice would be to take a foreign language (maybe two at GCSE) if you can. I took sciences at A-level and regret it now. A foreign language opens up your options, whereas all the useful bits of my science A-levels could have been covered in a month and were re-taught at uni anyway. Architecture especially seems to be a global profession and there are more opportunities to travel and work abroad than most other lines of work, and the domestic architecture market seems pretty crowded.