You know that sounds like such a ridiculous amount of bother that I might just come back after work with an angle grinder and "steal" my own bike. I'm sure that'll look good, a young black male with a power tool slicing through a bike lock outside an office building in Central London. Anyone ever had to angle grind their way through a lock know how loud it is? I've already got clearance from my office but I know someone across the road would be more than willing to call the police.
You know that sounds like such a ridiculous amount of bother that I might just come back after work with an angle grinder and "steal" my own bike. I'm sure that'll look good, a young black male with a power tool slicing through a bike lock outside an office building in Central London. Anyone ever had to angle grind their way through a lock know how loud it is? I've already got clearance from my office but I know someone across the road would be more than willing to call the police.