With the new mortgage checks, it's less about your salary and more about how you can afford the repayments. You could be on £100k but if your bank account shows £50 lunches a couple of times a week, high childcare costs, ridiculous car payments - then it gets a bit more difficult.
In the most basic terms, they will take your regular outgoings away from your take home and decide if what's left over is enough to make the monthly payments.
It doesn't matter to them that your spending habits might change once you get the mortgage. There is zero humanity in the process.
With the new mortgage checks, it's less about your salary and more about how you can afford the repayments. You could be on £100k but if your bank account shows £50 lunches a couple of times a week, high childcare costs, ridiculous car payments - then it gets a bit more difficult.
In the most basic terms, they will take your regular outgoings away from your take home and decide if what's left over is enough to make the monthly payments.
It doesn't matter to them that your spending habits might change once you get the mortgage. There is zero humanity in the process.