Involved in a 3 bike pileup last night thanks to a ped who decided that the green light for traffic meant she could cross the road even though she was about 2 bikes lengths from the crossing. Think the first guy must have slammed on the anchors while on a drain cover as he went down the guy slightly in front of me cut across me taking me out. No one seriously hurt a few people stopped to help out. Women was nowhere to be seen.
Then this morning Captain Hi-Viz started shouting at me to be braver along Dulwich Rd as you join from Norwood Rd. Have no idea what his was on about, not sure what he wanted me to do, buses parked on the left, cars in middle and cars on the right, he pulled an undertake between a car and indicating left bus causing everyone to stop and blast horns. Caught up with him a 1 minute later told him that was a dick move and that the G-Pro on his head is going to save his life. Complete knob jockey.
Involved in a 3 bike pileup last night thanks to a ped who decided that the green light for traffic meant she could cross the road even though she was about 2 bikes lengths from the crossing. Think the first guy must have slammed on the anchors while on a drain cover as he went down the guy slightly in front of me cut across me taking me out. No one seriously hurt a few people stopped to help out. Women was nowhere to be seen.
Then this morning Captain Hi-Viz started shouting at me to be braver along Dulwich Rd as you join from Norwood Rd. Have no idea what his was on about, not sure what he wanted me to do, buses parked on the left, cars in middle and cars on the right, he pulled an undertake between a car and indicating left bus causing everyone to stop and blast horns. Caught up with him a 1 minute later told him that was a dick move and that the G-Pro on his head is going to save his life. Complete knob jockey.