Wait, I meant she's only right if you accept that taking the photo had all t that unspoken baggage. I don't. She'd done it before. It was just unusual. It was just a photo.
But Islington, noveau-riche, quinoa-eating middle clarse haters-of-the-lower-orders, etc etc, white vans are symbolic of stupid racists and so are England flags, she must have known that so by posting the picture she must have been sending a coded message of "look at this stupid racist" and then it logically follows from that that she also says "all Labour's core voters are stupid racist van driving, flag-waving cunts who probably vote UKIP" and so it was quite right that she should step down immediately and have her place as MP filled by somebody who has a positive opinion vis-a-vis working-class nationalism rather than a net negative or neutral one, and who might be more inclined to spend an evening or three down the local boozer talking immigration with the electorate as it is, frankly, a Discussion That Needs To Be Had.
Or something.
Wait, I meant she's only right if you accept that taking the photo had all that unspoken baggage. I don't. She'd done it before. It was just unusual. It was just a photo.