Given the rises in value I would think that we're probably at around 50/50 LTV, possibly a bit more on the V side, depending on who values the place.
I was going to get it valued after the new kitchen goes in, worth holding off and getting the highest valuation possible? If we could hit £350,000 that would give us a pretty healthy amount of equity, given the £140,000 loan outstanding.
From what I remember last time I looked, best deals max out at about 60% LTV (our is 90 so I may just have been screening out the even better ones). If you're comfortably better than 75% then you definitely shouldn't be paying more than 4%...
Given the rises in value I would think that we're probably at around 50/50 LTV, possibly a bit more on the V side, depending on who values the place.
I was going to get it valued after the new kitchen goes in, worth holding off and getting the highest valuation possible? If we could hit £350,000 that would give us a pretty healthy amount of equity, given the £140,000 loan outstanding.