I've done some time on mine. Around 800km on the road.
Mine is actually quite hard and uncomfortable after a couple of weeks riding something else (on my cross bike). It's so different to my other saddles. This awareness of the saddle goes after a few regular rides and it just becomes familiar.
What is amazing for me is that I can step off the SMP after 3hrs and just can't feel that I've ridden a bike. I could get back on and do another 3hrs with zero accumulation of discomfort (legs permitting).
I'm quite looking forward to the big winter rides on this.
I've done some time on mine. Around 800km on the road.
Mine is actually quite hard and uncomfortable after a couple of weeks riding something else (on my cross bike). It's so different to my other saddles. This awareness of the saddle goes after a few regular rides and it just becomes familiar.
What is amazing for me is that I can step off the SMP after 3hrs and just can't feel that I've ridden a bike. I could get back on and do another 3hrs with zero accumulation of discomfort (legs permitting).
I'm quite looking forward to the big winter rides on this.