If someone can take the SVG of the logo, and overlay modify it such that I am given back an SVG of the logo with WC stripes on it... then I'll do so.
But I cannot... as I am spectacularly shit at graphics programs, and with only Gimp installed on this Linux machine I can't even work with SVG files.
Ping me when it's done.@6pt
Tom, one for you?
This is all you orrible lot are going to get from me today. @ncjlee did the stripes-behind-the-letters in the mod thread.
If someone can take the SVG of the logo, and overlay modify it such that I am given back an SVG of the logo with WC stripes on it... then I'll do so.
But I cannot... as I am spectacularly shit at graphics programs, and with only Gimp installed on this Linux machine I can't even work with SVG files.
Ping me when it's done.