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  • Can I talk geared bikes here?
    Switched out my 53/39 for a compact 50/34 - running a 12-26 rear cassette.
    WOW - huge difference to the enjoyment of riding. I've stuck with the 53/39 combo for ever and never really touched the last 2 cogs at the back for any length of time. Went for a ride today on the compact chainset and I was faster everywhere (according to strava) and I utilised all the cogs on the back. I'm sure if I was on a long descent I'd feel under geared but since I'm in the UK that's unlikely to happen. Knees feel better too. Dunno why I persisted with 'standard' chainset for so long!

    and just to keep it fixed - 49/17 is the most fun for everyday riding

  • That's why I run 46/30.

    Nice selection of cog in the middle without resorting to an MTB cassette.


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