I hope you're feeling better now @marcom?
Sex, masturbation and intimacy came up in a CBT group I attended the other day, in the context of anxiety/depression conditions (rather than it as a standard expression of love between two people in a relationship). It was interesting (though not surprising) to hear how different everyone's experiences were...
Some very consciously use it as a self-soothing/relaxation tool, both on their own or with a partner.
Others have such a low libido they rarely even think about sex, let alone feel up for it.
A few actively try to shut it out of their minds as much as possible in response to past experiences, and one or two seemed to have developed something of an addiction to sex and/or masturbation - another way to get a quick buzz when they can't use other 'drugs'. Scary when they felt it was out of control.So I suppose the thrust (sorry) of it is, only you know why you 'use' sex and therefore if it may do more harm than good.
No need to say btw. Seriously ;)
Today I'm ill at home more than usual, on top of my mental illness list I got some throat issue flu thing which raise the fog around my brain, it worth to say that I didn't misuse my throaty though.
I can't talk and think properly but I can type, and while i type comes to me a spontaneous wondering about sex.
People from the Psychiatry etc thread, what do you think, know, imagine and do about sex sex sex in relation to mental distortion?
Please don't refer to sex with words like fuck fucking to be fucked who have you fucked how did he/she fuck you etc; so wrong usage of these words, bad association, bad almost as saying making love, because sex is not love and is not fucking!
So, having sex can help? What about compulsive masturbation? Promiscuity?
Or better to read a good book of psychiatry while you/he/they/I/everybody are ill?