^strong post. There is a sense here that these cyclists are trying to make themselves out as victims of some kind of holocaust or war. The language is riding on the back of Rememberance Sunday. It's almost cultish, combined with the imagery. The fact that 'cyclists' is the very last word on the poster, shows they are trying to pretend it is not a single-agenda protest– which would be fine, were it not for the "all road users" bullshit. The most annoying thing is that I, as a cyclist, am now implicated by association in this epic, pious, antagonistic, self-righteous fail.
^strong post. There is a sense here that these cyclists are trying to make themselves out as victims of some kind of holocaust or war. The language is riding on the back of Rememberance Sunday. It's almost cultish, combined with the imagery. The fact that 'cyclists' is the very last word on the poster, shows they are trying to pretend it is not a single-agenda protest– which would be fine, were it not for the "all road users" bullshit. The most annoying thing is that I, as a cyclist, am now implicated by association in this epic, pious, antagonistic, self-righteous fail.