How has he become part of the problem? by dumping his laptop and phones? I thought that was a very important film. Can't see the fail.
The video belongs to (and was likely funded/made by) Gizmogul, a company committed to providing an alternative to shipping e-waste overseas to toxic dump sites such as the one highlighted in the video.
The moment where matey decides to burn his Mac and further choke the locals still stands out as utterly fucking ridiculous, imo.
At that moment, the audience already knows what burning electronics look like. Dude really doesn't need to burn stuff 'as an example'. He should explain that 'it doesn't have to be like this', and that he, responsible consumer that he is, intends to take his own crap back home with him (ie have some common decency) and contact Gizmogul in order to properly dispose of it. He would then go on to explain why that's the right thing to do.As it stands, the cunt has flown ~15,000 miles to personally litter and pollute an African village.
Casey-Neistat-wannabe flies to Africa to highlight toxic effect of e-waste, immediately becomes part of the problem. WAC.