If I wanted to buy the Rapha Essentials Pouch, but didn't want to pay Rapha prices, what should I be looking for?
Looking at it the things that's are really nice about the Rapha purse, are the zip wrapping around the top bottom section so it opens up more like a wallet and the compartments. I think zip wallets or purses would be a good place to look.
Edit: quick search brought these nice but pricey Rapha Esq wallets
If I wanted to buy the Rapha Essentials Pouch, but didn't want to pay Rapha prices, what should I be looking for?
I basically just want a neat, small case to organise some bits and pieces in my bag. Been looking at make-up bags and such but not really finding anything suitable. It's such a simple design I can't believe no-one else has produced something similar before?