Saved a Feng Sushi delivery rider from a head-on collision with a bus, this morning. He was trying to get past a double decker on Old Brompton Road and had driven right up to the back of it and couldn't see anything, although he was trying to look through the rear window. I was hanging back and could see down the right hand lane. When there was a pause in the oncoming cars, he revved up and was about to over take the double decker - which would have run him straight into the oncoming bus. When I warned him, he was amused but entirely unembarrassed.
Saved a Feng Sushi delivery rider from a head-on collision with a bus, this morning. He was trying to get past a double decker on Old Brompton Road and had driven right up to the back of it and couldn't see anything, although he was trying to look through the rear window. I was hanging back and could see down the right hand lane. When there was a pause in the oncoming cars, he revved up and was about to over take the double decker - which would have run him straight into the oncoming bus. When I warned him, he was amused but entirely unembarrassed.