Here I go again. Thought I'd start a thread in CP so I didn't block up the LOOK thread with my excitable ramblings.
It all started off looking for a new practical aluminium frame/carbon forks to transfer over my 5700 105 from my Trek to. I was all set to get a Canyon Endurance Al frameset when I got drunk and bid on this.
Waking in the morning, I realised it had a 25.0 seatpost (Please PM if you have a NOS/great condition Ergopost)
It had 7 days to go and I was sure/hoped I was going to be outbid. I wasn't and am now the proud owner of this sweet sweet steed which came all the way from Athens.
When it arrived, it had some fissures in the paint I wasn't expecting where the Alu joins the carbon tubes but the good folks over in the LOOK thread have half convinced me that it shouldn't be too much to worry about.
If you've got any catalogs or any information about how much these were new/what the standard build was when new, please post here:
Vague plans are as follows:
CX Rays
Hope RS Mono's
Rotor Compacts with Q Rings
CK 1" Threaded Headset/Shim/3T Stem
Not sure on any of the above except the CK headset as I already have that so if you have any ideas, please let me now. Trying to keep this is vain of Kent lanes hill climbing machine.
Anyway, now I have a pair of LOOK's but an unhappy girlfriend. We now have 7 functioning bikes in a small flat so it's a trip to my storage locker tomorrow to drop something off there:
Here I go again. Thought I'd start a thread in CP so I didn't block up the LOOK thread with my excitable ramblings.
It all started off looking for a new practical aluminium frame/carbon forks to transfer over my 5700 105 from my Trek to. I was all set to get a Canyon Endurance Al frameset when I got drunk and bid on this.
Waking in the morning, I realised it had a 25.0 seatpost (Please PM if you have a NOS/great condition Ergopost)
It had 7 days to go and I was sure/hoped I was going to be outbid. I wasn't and am now the proud owner of this sweet sweet steed which came all the way from Athens.
When it arrived, it had some fissures in the paint I wasn't expecting where the Alu joins the carbon tubes but the good folks over in the LOOK thread have half convinced me that it shouldn't be too much to worry about.
If you've got any catalogs or any information about how much these were new/what the standard build was when new, please post here:
Vague plans are as follows:
CX Rays
Hope RS Mono's
Rotor Compacts with Q Rings
CK 1" Threaded Headset/Shim/3T Stem
Not sure on any of the above except the CK headset as I already have that so if you have any ideas, please let me now. Trying to keep this is vain of Kent lanes hill climbing machine.
Anyway, now I have a pair of LOOK's but an unhappy girlfriend. We now have 7 functioning bikes in a small flat so it's a trip to my storage locker tomorrow to drop something off there:
Here's my other AL264