I picked up some 30mm pdw's yesterday, spent hours last night trying to persuade them over wide rims and 25mm tyres and past my front mech adaptor... eventually got the wheels spinning freely but on the ride into work this morning realise that there is not enough clearance - I don't really want to go down to 23mm tyres, nor do I want to butcher the guards with a dremel (yet) so just wondering...
I picked up some 30mm pdw's yesterday, spent hours last night trying to persuade them over wide rims and 25mm tyres and past my front mech adaptor... eventually got the wheels spinning freely but on the ride into work this morning realise that there is not enough clearance - I don't really want to go down to 23mm tyres, nor do I want to butcher the guards with a dremel (yet) so just wondering...
(TL;DR) - anyone want the pdw's for £50?