Here is a link to my 'current project' post about my Silver Sunbeam.
I realise this is probably not going to be much use to Ktoi, but I hope it will be of general interest to anyone who hasn't seen it already.
Although I built this bike specifically for touring, I'm really supporting those people above who suggest riding what you've got; that's certainly how my Dad thought about it when he was using this frame for touring. In a sense it was 'what I had' since almost everything came from my stock of old rubbish.
Because of other commitments I've only done the one four day trip mentioned in the earlier post, but I've used the Sunbeam a fair amount since then and I hope to tour on it next year. I have found it satisfactory and quite enjoyable to ride - as long as you're not in a hurry.
For me, the essential ingredients for a touring bike are:
A comfortable position,
A rigid luggage rack to support panniers. Years ago I used a saddlebag and believed it to be the best method for carrying luggage, but now I much prefer panniers since the weight is lower, making the bike handle better.
Mudguards. It will rain, especially if you haven't prepared for it.
Suitably low gearing. The Sunbeam, with its basic Sturmey AW is not really adequate here, since the hub only gives a reduction of 25% from direct drive ( my set up 62.4" direct, bottom 46.8" and top 83.2"). However, I haven't had to walk...yet.
-Finally, everything must be in reasonably good condition and adjusted to suit the rider.
Here is a link to my 'current project' post about my Silver Sunbeam.
I realise this is probably not going to be much use to Ktoi, but I hope it will be of general interest to anyone who hasn't seen it already.
Although I built this bike specifically for touring, I'm really supporting those people above who suggest riding what you've got; that's certainly how my Dad thought about it when he was using this frame for touring. In a sense it was 'what I had' since almost everything came from my stock of old rubbish.
Because of other commitments I've only done the one four day trip mentioned in the earlier post, but I've used the Sunbeam a fair amount since then and I hope to tour on it next year. I have found it satisfactory and quite enjoyable to ride - as long as you're not in a hurry.
For me, the essential ingredients for a touring bike are:
-Finally, everything must be in reasonably good condition and adjusted to suit the rider.