Looks like it could go a couple mm inwards but I see your point. The difference would only be 3.75mm on either side anyway. Maybe take into account the ISO/JIS difference that can change spacing by a couple of mm if you mismatch crankset and BB...
Just for good measure: the bb shell is 68mm right? Standard BSA width? Surely no one would design a bb that lets the cranks touch the shell.
If the bb shell is wider than 68mm then that's a problem no spindle length will solve I'm afraid. You could try converting a road hub for easy chainline matching.
Edit: it says in your post that it's 68mm :/ in that case there must be something about the original hub. Is it also 'clapped out' or can you still fit it to check?
There's one final thing that seems a little weird in the above picture. The cranks are close to the shell but the chainring is nowhere near as close to the stays as it could be. Is it fitted okay? Maybe you have a spare crankset you could try?
Looks like it could go a couple mm inwards but I see your point. The difference would only be 3.75mm on either side anyway. Maybe take into account the ISO/JIS difference that can change spacing by a couple of mm if you mismatch crankset and BB...
Just for good measure: the bb shell is 68mm right? Standard BSA width? Surely no one would design a bb that lets the cranks touch the shell.
If the bb shell is wider than 68mm then that's a problem no spindle length will solve I'm afraid. You could try converting a road hub for easy chainline matching.
Edit: it says in your post that it's 68mm :/ in that case there must be something about the original hub. Is it also 'clapped out' or can you still fit it to check?
There's one final thing that seems a little weird in the above picture. The cranks are close to the shell but the chainring is nowhere near as close to the stays as it could be. Is it fitted okay? Maybe you have a spare crankset you could try?