Tx, see that's something concrete :)
As I asked what an objective measure is of functional flexibility in the context of cycling (as I am clearly too stiff to do ballet) this may work.
For example: You put feet against wall, then if you can't touch something that sticks out that x% of your leg length in your picture position you need to stretch, a lot, and now.
(though that makes it dependent on relative arm to leg length again...sigh...)
Now for those that can't get to Scherrit:
How does one test flexibility?
And when is it an issue?
Fizik now does their bull/snake/some other animal thing for a reason as no amount of stretching can turn a bull into a snake.
(not dissing on flexibility BTW as if you can't bend your stem has to be higher and all that...but how do you know it's "bad") :)