• Yep. Mega difference for all the reasons above.

    They say to start with 9.5% of your height and you won't go far wrong.

    I'm 173cm with short legs (30" inside leg) and find 165s the best for me.

  • They say to start with 9.5% of your height and you won't go far wrong.

    But where do they get 9.5% from?

    If you consider the range of crank lengths commonly available (165mm to 175mm, or 10mm) and compare that to inside leg measurements (61cm to 94cm, or 330mm) , it's difficult to see any meaningful correlation.

    If you trawl the web, you'll find plenty of crank-to-leg-length calculators, but never an explanation as to how they arrive at the number you multiply your measurements by.

    All very scientific looking, but like much psuedo-science, they seem to be making the mistake of knowing the answer they want and tweaking the formula to produce it.
