I thought I'd be banned for my previous post.. You lot are not too bad..
But seriously LFGSS need to up its game. I used to come here very often but not anymore.
There's one time some dude asked why the OP's bike in some other thread is not on Prolly's yet. Fucken hell. Is being featured in Prolly means that you have a good and nice bike and worthy of a Bike Porn thread???
Yeah welcome to internet, you fuck face. Yes that means all of you!
I thought I'd be banned for my previous post.. You lot are not too bad..
But seriously LFGSS need to up its game. I used to come here very often but not anymore.
There's one time some dude asked why the OP's bike in some other thread is not on Prolly's yet. Fucken hell. Is being featured in Prolly means that you have a good and nice bike and worthy of a Bike Porn thread???
Yeah welcome to internet, you fuck face. Yes that means all of you!