Too lazy to trawl through this thread to see if it's already been raised.
I've got an icon next there it says Messages in my profile panel. The icon has a the number 1 and a picture of an envelope. That sort of suggests that I have a message waiting to be read but clicking on the icon or the message link takes me to an empty inbox. There are no links to any subfolders or other locations where a message may be waiting for me.
Too lazy to trawl through this thread to see if it's already been raised.
I've got an icon next there it says Messages in my profile panel. The icon has a the number 1 and a picture of an envelope. That sort of suggests that I have a message waiting to be read but clicking on the icon or the message link takes me to an empty inbox. There are no links to any subfolders or other locations where a message may be waiting for me.
Bug, feature or stupidity?