• #1252
How do you know they put in a new bathroom, new kitchen, spent £5k on the garden and extended the lease...?
And how the shitting crickey do you know the reason they separated...?Peeping Tom much?
• #1253
Pointless pedantry over.
If only.
• #1254
One in three Europeans experienced the theft or loss of a mobile device in 2013
no wonder vodafone is worth £51bn
• #1256
Today I've learned a fact, that cashew nuts grow on trees, attached to an apple.
• #1257
in goa they use the fruit to make a regional alcoholic drink, quite potent
• #1258
Interesting how the fruit taste by itself, imagine it's not very good, as it's not popular.
Another fact is that there are 6 humans in space right now. 3 Russian (one of them from Latvia) 2 Americans and one German.
• #1259
i didn't see the fruit on sale
the fermented version must have been more sought after for some reason ? -
• #1260
Inspired Google search from the doping thread:
Carbon dioxide cannot be used for whipped cream because it is acidic in water, which would curdle the cream and give it a seltzer-like "sparkling" sensation. That is why NOS is used instead. -
• #1261
Nearly a fifth of China's farmland is contaminated by toxic heavy metals and chemicals, and more than 33,000 sq km – an area the size of Belgium - is unfit for agricultural use, according to a soil survey carried out in April.
• #1262
There is an government app in Iceland that helps citizens establish whether they are related, so they can avoid accidentally committing incest
• #1263
we pay £49bn per year in interest servicing our national debt
£777 per man woman and child -
• #1264
So, covered by council tax then?
• #1265
If you earn enough to pay council tax, at least.
• #1266
Wonder how it compares to annual council tax takings?
• #1267
Looks like it's around 10% of total tax receipts going by some random guardian data Google found so if you're spending less than 10% of your income servicing debt you're doing better than the government (without the ability to print your own money)
• #1268
Nice to see Wales not being used as a measurement for once.
• #1269
Adapted from Reuters copy. Better quality, fewer lazy clichés :)
Bees can be trained to sniff out explosives using a process known as hymenoptera training. It takes about five hours to train a single bee.
However, using bees to detect explosives has proved unreliable because they actually sniff out the additives and are unable to detect explosives in their pure form.
• #1270
Salvador Dalí designed the Chupa Chups lollipops logo
• #1271
According to the Credit Suisse global wealth report, a person needs just $3,650 – including the value of equity in their home – to be among the wealthiest half of world citizens. However, more than $77,000 is required to be a member of the top 10% of global wealth holders, and $798,000 to belong to the top 1%.
• #1273
Interesting how the fruit taste by itself, imagine it's not very good, as it's not popular.
I think that the fruit is too delicate to transport well, so it is only available locally.
• #1274
(From the article)
Britons showed more self-knowledge than Australians.
Golf clap
• #1275
3 Russian (one of them from Latvia)
Latvia is not part of Russia. Yet...
Wow, how grotty? I mean, that's not great in the scheme of things. Might as well have bought a couple of BMW E30 M3s.
A couple of examples of stupid London 'growth' from elsewhere;
I think you'd have to be bordering on mentally-ill to pay today's prices for London flats.