That's pretty poor: do LCC disclose on what basis they're endorsing them?
It's difficult to imagine that's it's on account of the outstanding contribution to cycling safety it makes.
LCC would probably claim they're not actually endorsing them and it's just a commercial deal. That's fair enough and I understand the reasons. Presumably something along the lines of 'Blaze give LLC £££s, LCC try to flog product to members'.
I just take exception to the unqualified guff such as "...lets you be seen when you're otherwise invisible" which is probably a very long way from the truth and possibly dangerously misleading.
Just had an email from the LCC with a promotion on these.
Reminded me that I'd actually seen one a couple of weeks ago, it was pretty much as shit as I'd imagined. Projecting a not particularly bright image onto a bit of road a driver possibly can't even see isn't gonna do much for anyone's safety. Even worse, giving naive people the impression that they're more visible than they think could be very detrimental.
The LCC are implicitly endorsing them. Wonder if they've actually been properly tested?