The Mac specific commands are probably the ones worth learning, like cmd + h to hide windows (I use that quite a lot) and cmd + option (option = alt) eject to send your Mac to sleep (presuming your Mac will go to sleep!). Add ctrl to that and you've got the fastest shutdown option for when you need to leave work in a hurry, but bear in mind that it's instant.
Finder shortcuts are handy too. cmd + shift + a will open applications and you can replace a with u for utilities, c for computer, d for desktop, l for downloads (I guess d was taken).
The Mac specific commands are probably the ones worth learning, like cmd + h to hide windows (I use that quite a lot) and cmd + option (option = alt) eject to send your Mac to sleep (presuming your Mac will go to sleep!). Add ctrl to that and you've got the fastest shutdown option for when you need to leave work in a hurry, but bear in mind that it's instant.
Finder shortcuts are handy too. cmd + shift + a will open applications and you can replace a with u for utilities, c for computer, d for desktop, l for downloads (I guess d was taken).