General modern paperback fiction, around 400 pages I can get through in 3 days max. These are like your Le Carre - they read like a movie and the pages sometimes seem to turn themselves. Thats 3 nights reading and the odd lunchtime or bog sitting.
I sometimes will stumble upon one of those books that you just can't put down, and even if they are 500 or so pages long, I can devour them in 24 hours, sometimes that's in just 3 sittings and it involves a shit-its-3-in-the-morning-i-really-must-put-this-down-and-get-some-sleep jobbie.
Then there are those meatier prose books, like some of the classics, which I almost always find harder to get through because they are meatier. Brothers Karamazov is under 800 pages yet took me a month to get through, whereas I'm over 600 pages into Count of Monte Cristo in just over a week.
My personal yardstick of length of books is:
General modern paperback fiction, around 400 pages I can get through in 3 days max. These are like your Le Carre - they read like a movie and the pages sometimes seem to turn themselves. Thats 3 nights reading and the odd lunchtime or bog sitting.
I sometimes will stumble upon one of those books that you just can't put down, and even if they are 500 or so pages long, I can devour them in 24 hours, sometimes that's in just 3 sittings and it involves a shit-its-3-in-the-morning-i-really-must-put-this-down-and-get-some-sleep jobbie.
Then there are those meatier prose books, like some of the classics, which I almost always find harder to get through because they are meatier. Brothers Karamazov is under 800 pages yet took me a month to get through, whereas I'm over 600 pages into Count of Monte Cristo in just over a week.
I quite fancy that Flannagan.