Fwiw I road my to ride my Giant TCR composite with 23mm tyres up the canal path from Finsbury Park to Epping Forest plenty of times. Not ideal, but my point is I think people can go a bit ott on gravel canal-path-racers sometimes. It's a bit like the "bomb/bullet-proof" fixeh phase of '08.
Obviously it depends where your preference lies, but I'd rather keep something faster feeling and road orientated and then use the pomp (or a cheap mtb) for more off road stuff. So unless you've got a real reason to need something really tough with massive clearances I'd say a road bike that will take 'guards and 28mm tyres would be better.... Maybe with a different set of wheels / tyres.
Fwiw I road my to ride my Giant TCR composite with 23mm tyres up the canal path from Finsbury Park to Epping Forest plenty of times. Not ideal, but my point is I think people can go a bit ott on
gravelcanal-path-racers sometimes. It's a bit like the "bomb/bullet-proof" fixeh phase of '08.Obviously it depends where your preference lies, but I'd rather keep something faster feeling and road orientated and then use the pomp (or a cheap mtb) for more off road stuff. So unless you've got a real reason to need something really tough with massive clearances I'd say a road bike that will take 'guards and 28mm tyres would be better.... Maybe with a different set of wheels / tyres.