On the other hand, every_time I ride there someone in a car does something douchey, usually the old close overtake at 30mph with a cut in and sudden slam on the brakes, because, FRONT I MUST BE IN FRONT, I MUST GET TO THE SHOPS.
I actually had a run in with a driver pulling an bonkers-dangerous overtake in plane sight of the po-po there that was subsiquently handled so cack-handedly I received a grovelling excuses laden but someone apologetic call from the head of parks police several days later. There is a problem with RP, but it's not the cyclists, no mater how douchey they may seem.
I've never attained a 20mph speed in the park. I did once overtake an old chap on a knackered hybrid that looked to welded from scaffolding tubes and managed a frisson of excitement.
Can't recall any unpleasantness from motorists. I like the park it creates a feeling of relaxation. A bit like living in an ambient fog.