Quite. Didn't have the powermeter for that 25, but I doubt it would be much more, could well have been less. I suspect that my position does hamper the watts a bit though, need to get one for the road bike to see the difference in power output.
IIRC all my estimated CdA values from TTs come out at about 0.27 which is appalling and I don't know why I'm so shit.
In the new year I'm hoping to book in for a bike fit with Mike Taylor (Lynn Taylor's brother??) and then to do some aero testing to refine that position a bit.
I'm not sure how reliable it is, but this model here suggests that if I drop my CdA from 0.27 to 0.2 then I would knock around 20minutes off my bike at IM wales next year. Even if the model is bunk, everything I've seen when comparing my data to other people is that I seem to be throwing minutes away... lots of minutes!
Fo real!?
If you did a 25mile TT in 54ish with an FTP of 256 then I feel seriously inadequate only doing 60 with an estimated FTP* of 271 watts (@70kg) and a CP60 of 278w!