They must all be being very dangerous then? Or are they not? What would your judgement be on the matter? Would you maybe think that as another cyclist they might be less likely to cause them harm and should compromise by giving half a cars room, maybe a third of a car? You can surely agree that squeezing through a gap that could shock the other cyclist because they didn't think there was enough room there would go against what that part of the highway code is trying suggest and should be deemed dangerous, despite causing no actual collision on that occasion. Maybe you've forgotten the original bollocks you spouted in the first place and are now answering vaguely related questions and not backing up your original bullshit statement.
They must all be being very dangerous then? Or are they not? What would your judgement be on the matter? Would you maybe think that as another cyclist they might be less likely to cause them harm and should compromise by giving half a cars room, maybe a third of a car? You can surely agree that squeezing through a gap that could shock the other cyclist because they didn't think there was enough room there would go against what that part of the highway code is trying suggest and should be deemed dangerous, despite causing no actual collision on that occasion. Maybe you've forgotten the original bollocks you spouted in the first place and are now answering vaguely related questions and not backing up your original bullshit statement.