No, I wouldn't call being run over by a drafter in place of me not slamming on the anchors to avoid having a full head on with a j walking ped necessarily doing it wrong.
Instead I feel a little bit more enlightened to the fact that if I do come to a dead stop to avoid a possible ped strike that I've got a good chance of getting run over by whatever vehicle is behind me.
If you ride faster then you'll less likely have a drafter to crash into the back of you. Means you can lever brake instead of ped braking. Good news really because at higher speeds ped braking is probably less effective.
Good to hear.
No, I wouldn't call being run over by a drafter in place of me not slamming on the anchors to avoid having a full head on with a j walking ped necessarily doing it wrong.
Instead I feel a little bit more enlightened to the fact that if I do come to a dead stop to avoid a possible ped strike that I've got a good chance of getting run over by whatever vehicle is behind me.