My left greater trochanter is a bit fubar, which may explain the hip drop.
My left foot is also slightly longer. And my left shoulder is higher. My DNA didn't get the measuring tape out...
I guess a bike fit would be good but £200...just commuting 7 miles a day I can't justify it.
But for club riding/riding a lot, assymetries can cause long term bad wear and tear so then it would get the money out. Grudingly but yes.
My left greater trochanter is a bit fubar, which may explain the hip drop.
My left foot is also slightly longer. And my left shoulder is higher. My DNA didn't get the measuring tape out...
I guess a bike fit would be good but £200...just commuting 7 miles a day I can't justify it.
But for club riding/riding a lot, assymetries can cause long term bad wear and tear so then it would get the money out. Grudingly but yes.