Yes sorry, that sounded delicious. I was making mere jokes. I should have used the i'm-making-an-attempt-at-funny punctuation mark.
I'll try again: Or rendered for its vital essence which is used in a killer ragu⸮
I'm just having a hard time with this vanity of petty differences* surrounding use of sausages that cross country borders. It's as if I bit into a delicious bacon cheeseburger and spit it out, yelling: "What is this? German speck? I asked for bacon! Take this back and give me a frikadellen and dampfknödel immediately!"
*or der Narzißmus der kleinen Differenzen
Sausage/salami is not just a country thing it is a regional thing with what is available locally, even with pig variations, as there was in England. Italy is a young country and not been unified for that long, even the language is not set, with extensive dialects. If you want an example Siena with its contrada's.
Italians can get arsey if you have certain pastas with the certain sauces.
It is not that kind of sausage, from making sausages, with family, the sauce sausage was the rougher fattier cuts as the sauce was cooked on a low heat. Where we were there was electric but no mains power or gas, all the gas was from tanks so we cooked over the fireplace.
EDIT - Am in an odd nostalgic mood, was in England at university till I figured out that you could buy gnochi.