• #52
Have we had the fact that the FD of Canary Wharf plc is also on the TFL board and chairs the finance committee that will approve this?
Talk about a conflict of interest.
• #54
^ This is a genuine fucking scandal. Unbelievable.
• #56
There's a Transport Committee meeting where this will be raised (I'm told) tomorrow, if anyone's interested. http://www.london.gov.uk/media/assembly-press-releases/2014/10/controversial-cycling-superhighways-implementing-the-mayor-s
The public can go along, or you can watch on webcast: http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor-assembly/london-assembly/webcasts. I am sure there will be a report back on relevant elements if you have better things to do though :D
Saint Christopher of Badman weighs in: http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/oct/10/lobbyist-canary-wharf-london-segregated-cycle-lane-crossrail-bikes?CMP=twt_gu