• Better late than not at all...

    Today (10/10/14) is World Mental Health Day. The focus this year is on schizophrenia. I've seen loads of good campaigns this week and love how social media really comes in to its own with such things - celebs/professional bodies/MPs/nobodies like me, all raising awareness and attempting to destigmatise and demystify mental health issues. (Norman Lamb writes passionately - urging top companies to change their attitudes: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/norman-lamb/mental-health-day_b_5959552.html?utm_hp_ref=tw)

    Nick Clegg’s recent call to put mental health at the top of the political agenda is also to be welcomed, even if his party is rapidly losing : let's hope the rest of Westminster agree and take action.

    As I'm sure many of us are aware, mental health services currently receive woefully inadequate funding, and the problem is increasing. The sooner it stops being seen as less important and a separate entity from physical health as integral to a person’s overall functioning, the better.

    I've read that many healthcare systems in other countries see ill health as being caused by a number of factors, including diet, environment, living conditions, families etc. It would be great for our health services to adopt a more integrated approach, as standard. I dare say it would cost our struggling NHS a lot less too.

    OK, jumping off my soapbox now. Sign the pledge! http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/pledgewall

  • Interestingly enough my employer has noted that mental health issues are also health issues, and offers a free helpline/8 counseling sessions a year.

    They're obviously not just doing this out of the goodness of their heart, but because sickness costs money. Interventions may actually save money, as you say, but it will take true leadership and an enforced basic package all NHS health trusts should offer.

    A long, long term job for the truly dedicated. But if we the public shout hard enough perhaps, like companies, somebody will listen ^_^


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